Monday, March 16, 2015

Dream Along With Mickey
Dream Along With Mickey is the next show I wanted to talk about because it holds a very special place in my heart. It was one of the things that made me start to become serious about dancing. For as long as this show has been around, I used to be in the middle of Main St. USA watching and dancing along with everyone in the show. If I could ever have a dream dance job, this would be it. Why you may ask? Why would that of all things be the dream dance job? Because it is a combination of everything magical and wonderful!

For starters (and most importantly), it takes place on the stage in front of Cinderella's castle. Could you dream of a more stellar background. And this isn't just some plain old stage you'd see at any show, It has different heights, art work, and fireworks and other special effects come out of it.

The show starts out with some of you favorite original characters; Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy paired with beautiful dancers as they all talk about their dreams and wishes. Donald, being that stubborn brat he always is, doesn't quite believe in dreams and wishes yet so to help him believe the gang invites some guests over...

Cue the princesses and princes!!

 Aurora and Prince Philip. Cinderella and Prince Charming. Snow White and her prince. Ahh just the fairy tale magic you were craving. But of course, what good Disney show is there without villains and adventure? That's right, there isn't one because Disney villains are just as awesome and fun as the heroes. *SPOILER ALERT* Maleficent crashes the party per usual to agree with Donald and bring nightmares into the kingdom.

I won't spoil the ending for you, but I will say keep your eyes open for some other guests and your clue is: "Second star to the right, and straight on till morning."

The show runs daily at 10:05am, 11:05am, 2:00pm, 4:15pm, and 5:15pm. Show up a bit early to get a good viewing spot. This is what really inspired me to take dance seriously when I was younger and it is why I am still currently going on Disney auditions. Even if you aren't a dancer, this show will bring a smile to your face and remind you to never give up on your dreams.

"And perhaps someday, a dream that you wish will come true..."

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage

Hello everyone!

I am the biggest Disney nerd there is. If you asked anyone who knows me what word they associate with me, it'd be Disney. Walt Disney World is the most magical place to go. It's not just a theme park, it's another world. One of the greatest things about Disney World is the multitude of different shows you can see, and that is what this whole blog is dedicated to.

To start my first ever blog post I figured the best topic would be my all time favorite show at Disney World.

                                    BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - LIVE ON STAGE

This is a Broadway type show that goes all the way back to 1991. It actually opened up the same day that the animated movie came out in theaters. The first time I saw it was probably 1996 or 97? I don't remember because I was so young, but I've been to Disney about 10 times and every time it is just as spectacular as the last.

This show is literally like watching the movie, but in real life. You get to sing along to all of your favorite songs and see your favorite characters from the movie come to life too. The sets and costumes are GORGEOUS and will take your breath away! The singing and dancing is not that of a typical theme park show; it's a level higher. These are actual singers and dancers who have had Broadway experience.

This show takes place in the Hollywood Studios (formally known as MGM) park. It is a huge outside theater but is still covered and protected from the sun and rain. However, they have been known to cancel due to weather conditions from time to time.

Looking at the current schedule they have it appears that the show currently runs 11:45 AM, 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 4:15 PM, and 5:30 PM with and additional 10:30 AM on weekends.

If you are planning a trip to Disney World and will be visiting Hollywood Studios, this show is a MUST see.